The Basics

How Weight Works

The weight you're carrying is displayed on the inventory screen. When this number turns red, it means you've passed the threshold of what you can carry without being penalized.

When overweight, your character will begin to slow down and you will also see the "overweight" icon displayed in the lower left corner of the HUD.


It is possible to carry so much that your character won't be able to move at all. In that case, the overweight icon in the lower left will turn red. There is no way to get around this except by dropping some items.

Weight Limits:

  • Max without penalty: 30 Kg
  • Max before becoming completely immoble: 60 Kg
  • Max allowed to climb ropes: 40 Kg

Weight has an impact on a lot of what you do. The more you carry:

  • The faster your fatigue meter is depleted when you move
  • The higher the chance of getting sprains when moving
  • The more damage you'll take from falling
  • The harder it is to climb ropes (or prevents climbing at all)