The Basics

How to Use the Forge

Forging is very similar to crafting, but is done at a forge instead of a workbench. Scrap metal is a required ingredient for all items you can forge. There are far fewer forges than workbenches in the game.

To use the forge, you must start a fire in the furnace. The forge and furnace are the same object. The furnace door is on the bottom, while the forge door is on the top.

Forge and Furnace

Before you can start forging, the furnace has to be brought to a minimum temperature of 150° C. This can only be done by adding coal. Start a wood fire in the furnace and let it burn for 30 minutes then add coal to get the temperature high enough.

To begin forging, click on the forge door and choose the item. You must have all the ingredients for the item in your inventory, and make sure the furnace will maintain the proper temperature for the duration of the forging.